Feral Cats:
Lower Saucon Township has implemented a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program to help control breeding of free roaming feral cat populations within the Township. We have partnered with No Nonsense Neutering (NNN) in Allentown, who will neuter the cats, vaccinate them for rabies and return them to the resident. Cats are not dumped back into the wild and residents are responsible to work with NNN to bring them in. The Township will assume the cost of neutering once a resident has obtained a voucher that is taken along with the cat to NNN.
TNR is a long-term cat management program, cats are fixed, vaccinated and their left ear is tipped to identify that they have been fixed. Loaner traps are available at all NNN clinics. Check the Community Cats page on the NNN website for more information www.nnnlv.org.
There are also loaner traps available to borrow at the Township by calling (610) 865-3291. You must sign a Trap Release Agreement whereby if you damage the trap, you will be responsible for the $50 replacement cost. Traps are loaned out for a maximum of two weeks (10 business days) and must be returned to the Township during office hours.
To obtain a feral cat spay/neuter voucher from Lower Saucon Township:
The Township does not pick up any stray cats.
Dogs & Injured Wild Animals:
Township police officers and the Township Dog Control Officer will respond to animal complaint calls as follows:
If the complaint involves a deceased or terminally injured wild animal, police officers will destroy the animal. For other wild animals, the Northampton County Game Warden will be notifed.
If a stray dog is seized, the animal will be transported by the Township Dog Control Officer to the kennel located at the Township Town Hall Complex on 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bethlehem, where it will be fed and sheltered. A notice and photograph of the detained dog will be placed on the Township Nixle and Facebook accounts. Residents who want to retrieve the dog should contact the Dog Control Officer at (610) 759-2200.
In certain circumstances, the stray dog may be taken to Center for Animal Health & Welfare in Easton, PA.